FREE printable games for kids

Head to Family fun go for some fantastic free printable word games, memory games, mazes, matching games and puzzles.

Fill them in stories

Word searches

Memory games



Let the games begin!
Vanessa & Lauren 

Thursday 23 August 2012

Chemical free cleaning recipes for your home

Here are some wonderful chemical free cleaning recipes courtesy of Supercharged Food

This can be used on most surfaces and for so many areas of the home. To give the cleaner a beautiful scent when cleaning just add 10 drops of essential oil, which will make the house smell amazing.
·         1 tablespoon soap (plant based is good)
·         1 litre hot water
·         ¼ cup white distilled vinegar
·         1 lemon squeezed
·         10 drops of essential oil for fragrance 
Mix together and pour into a cleaner trigger spray bottle shake carefully until mixed. Then use as a spray and wipe down surfaces.
·         1/4 cup soap flakes
·         2 cups hot water
·         1/4 cup glycerin
·         1/2 tsp. lavender or lemon essential oil
Mix soap flakes and water in a medium bowl or glass jug and stir until the soap is dissolved and let cool
Stir in glycerin and essential oil
As it cools it will form a loose gel
Stir then pour into a bottle or squeezie container
·         ¼ cup of Olive Oil
·         ¼ cup of lemon juice
The best way to polish an item is to use an equal mixture of olive oil and lemon juice and apply with a soft cloth to furniture. Mayonnaise is also highly effective.
·         1/2 cup liquid plant or animal fat based soap
·         1/2 cup warm water
·         1 tsp. fresh lemon juice
·         4 drops tea tree oil
·         1/4 cup distilled white vinegar
Mix together soap, water, lemon, tea tree and vinegar
Pour into squeeze bottle.
Use 1 TBS per wash
2 TBS baking soda can also be sprinkled over dirty dishes to absorb odors
·         1/4 cup baking soda
·         2 tsp. vinegar
·         6 drops essential oil
Combine all ingredients to make a paste
Apply inside microwave with a soft cloth
Rinse well and air dry for 15 mins
·          2 Cups Water
·         1/4 Cup White Vinegar
·         1/4 tsp. Tea Tree Oil
·         1/4 tsp. Lavender Oil
Combine and store in a spray bottle
Shake and use when needed
·         Warm water
·         2 teaspoons borax
·         2 TBS liquid soap
·         1 cup Baking soda
Combine baking soda with enough water to make a paste
Apply it to oven surfaces, and let it sit for 15 mins
Now take a scouring pad and scrub the inside of the oven remove deposits and then wipe dry
It’s a good idea to use gloves and glasses if you have them
·         1 cup vinegar 
·         1/4 cup washing soda 
·         1 tablespoon vegetable oil-based liquid soap
·         2 gallons hot water 
Combine all ingredients, stir well and place in bucket
·         1-1/2 cups vinegar
·         1/2 cup water
·         8 drops citrus essential oil of choice
Combine all ingredients in a pump spray bottle and shake well before use
Spray solution onto mirror and wipe with a dry cloth or scrunched up newspaper
·         2 cups baking soda
·         2 cups white vinegar
·         4 cups water
Mix these ingredients and use 1/4 cup per load in the final rinse
·         1 ounce liquid castile soap
·         1 cup washing soda
·         1 cup baking soda
·         1 cup white vinegar
Mix ingredients and add to wash.

Enjoy dear readers!
Vanessa & Lauren

How to teach your child to be bilingual

Learning Two Languages

mother and son
Anyone can learn a new language. Some people find it easier than others, but all of us can do it. People who can use two languages are bilingual.
Children can learn to be bilingual. They can learn two languages at home, at school, or in the community. Some children learn both languages very well. But sometimes they know one language better than the other. The language a child knows better is called the dominant language. Over time the dominant language may change, especially if a child doesn't use it regularly.
Speaking two languages is like any other skill. To do it well, children need lots of practice, which parents can help provide. Without practice, it may be difficult for children to understand or talk to people in both languages.
How do I teach my child to be bilingual?
There are a number of ways to teach children to speak more than one language. You can do the following:
  • Use two languages from the start. Many children grow up learning two languages at the same time.
  • Use only one language at home. Your child can learn the second language when he or she starts school.
  • Give your child many opportunities to hear and practice using both languages in everyday situations.
Will learning two languages cause speech or language problems?
No. Children all over the world learn more than one language without developing speech or language problems. Bilingual children develop language skills just as other children do.
What should I expect when my child learns more than one language?
Every bilingual child is unique. Developing skills in two languages depends on the quality and amount of experience the child has using both languages. The following are some basic guidelines:
  • Like other children, most bilingual children speak their first words by the time they are 1 year old (e.g., "mama" or "dada"). By age 2, most bilingual children can use two-word phrases (e.g., "my ball" or "no juice"). These are the same language developmental milestones seen in children who learn only one language.
  • From time to time, children may mix grammar rules, or they might use words from both languages in the same sentence. This is a normal part of bilingual language development.
  • When a second language is introduced, some children may not talk much for a while. This "silent period" can sometimes last several months. Again, this is normal and will go away.
What resources can I use to help my child be bilingual?
Books. You can read to your child in both languages. You can find the books you need at bookstores, at libraries, and on the Internet.
Audiotapes and CDs. Tapes and CDs in other languages can help too. Singing is a great way to introduce a second language to your child, and it can be lots of fun!
Videotapes and DVDs. Children's programs are available in many languages. These programs often teach children about numbers, letters, colors, and basic vocabulary.
Language programs. Children can also learn to be bilingual at language camps or in bilingual education programs. These give children the chance to use two languages with other children. Some school districts offer programs to help children learn another language from an early age.
If my child is having trouble communicating, should we use only one language?
In this case, it's best to talk to your child in the language you're most comfortable with. This is true even if he or she uses a different language at school. But try not to make a sudden change in your child's routine. This can be stressful.
Children who are having problems in both languages may need professional help.
This list is not exhaustive, and inclusion does not imply endorsement of the organization or the content of the Web site by ASHA.
Vanessa & Lauren

FREE Printable Father's Day Cards

Father's Days is just around the corner and just in time we have found some lovely FREE printable Father's Day cards for you via the lovely TomKat Studio.

Click HERE to download 6 different varieties. 

Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful Dads out there

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Tricky People: The New Stranger Danger

by Sarah of Checklist Mommy

Knowing what to teach your children to keep them safe is vital. Read the wonderful post below by Sarah of Checklist Mommy on a smarter way to teach our kids about stranger danger.
"Right after Diddy was born, I was in the car listening to NPR and I heard a child safety educator say, “Stop telling your kids not to talk to strangers. They might need to talk to a stranger one day. Instead, teach them which sorts of strangers are safe. You know who’s safe? A mom with kids. Period. Your kid gets separated from you at the mall? Tell her to flag down the first mom with kids she sees.”
This was fantastic advice. I have shared it with everyone who will listen, ever since.
Last month, I finally got to meet the woman who’d said this brilliant thing, when I had the enormous good fortune of attending a kid’s safety seminar led by Pattie Fitzgerald of Safely Ever After. Safely Ever After offers seminars to adults and children on the subject of “keeping kids safe from child molesters and abuse.”
I didn’t seek Pattie out. I don’t spend every moment of the day worrying that my kids are going to end up in white slavery. But Diddy and Gaga’s preschool offers the material to parents of pre-K students as a preamble to teaching it to the pre-K kids, and Diddy’s a pre-K kid, so I went to hear what Pattie had to say. (And in light of all the Miramonte Elementary madness, I am thrilled I did.)
If it makes you uncomfortable to think about offering this sort of material to a 5 year-old, let me reassure you by saying our school offers an opt-out. But after spending a morning listening to Pattie’s presentation, I can honestly say I would have let her go teach my 3 year-old about “tricky people.” If the boys could understand it, I’d have her come over and talk to them, too.
And they’d like it. Really. I did.  Sitting around listening to all the horrible things that could happen to your kids might not sound like a good time — but oddly enough, with Pattie Fitzgerald, it is.
For one thing, Pattie knows her stuff, and I felt confident that her information was accurate and her advice studied and strong. For another, she’s pretty funny — so the material she presented never felt horribly gloom-and-doomy so much as matter-of-fact and manageable.
  • It is unlikely your kid is going to be abused by a weirdo at the park (huge sigh of relief).
  • That said, if there is a weirdo at the park, he’s not going to fit the “stranger” model — so stop teaching your kid about strangers! He’s going to come up to your kid and introduce himself. Voila! He ain’t a stranger anymore.
  • Teach your kids about TRICKY PEOPLE, instead. TRICKY PEOPLE are grown-ups who ASK KIDS FOR HELP (no adult needs to ask a kid for help) or TELLS KIDS TO KEEP A SECRET FROM THEIR PARENTS (including, IT’S OKAY TO COME OVER HERE BEHIND THIS TREE WITHOUT ASKING MOM FIRST. Not asking Mom is tantamount to KEEPING A SECRET.)
  • Teach your kids not to DO ANYTHING, or GO ANYWHERE, with ANY ADULTS AT ALL, unless they can ask for your permission first.
See how I said ANY ADULTS AT ALL? That’s because:
  • It’s far more likely your kid is going to be abused by someone they have a relationship with, because most cases of abuse follow long periods of grooming — both of the kid and his or her family.
  • Bad guys groom you and your kids to gauge whether or not you’re paying attention to what they’re doing, and/or to lure you into dropping your guard. Don’t. Kids who bad guys think are flying under their parents’ radars, or kids who seem a little insecure or disconnected from their parents, are the kids who are most at risk.
  • Be suspicious of gifts that adults in positions of authority give your kids. There’s no reason your son should be coming back from Bar Mitzvah study with a cool new keychain or baseball hat.
  • Be suspicious of teachers who tell you your kid is so special they want to offer him more one-on-one time, or special outings. That teacher who says your kid is into Monet, he wants to take him to a museum next weekend? Say thanks, and take your kid to go see the exhibit yourself.
  • You know that weird adult cousin of yours who’s always out in the yard with the kids, never in the kitchen drinking with the grown-ups? Keep an eye on your kids when he’s around.
  • Oh, and that soccer coach who keeps offering to babysit for free, so you can get some time to yourself? NO ONE WANTS TO BABYSIT YOUR KIDS JUST TO BE NICE.
And, here’s another good reason to add to the PANTHEON of reasons to teach your children the anatomically correct names for their genitalia:
  • There isn’t a child molester on earth who’s going to talk to your daughter about hervagina. Really. But if she suddenly starts calling it a cupcake, you can ask her who taught her that.
Ultimately, after spending an hour with Pattie, I felt LESS worried, not more. That, to me, is the number one sign of a good book or seminar about parenting — it doesn’t stress you out.
And you know why Pattie Fitzgerald and  Safely Ever After won’t stress you out?
She’s got a PREVENTION TIPS list, a RED FLAGS & WARNINGS list, and my personal favorite, a THE SUPER-10, PLAY IT SAFE FOR KIDS AND GROWN-UPS! list.
Check out Pattie’s site. Read her material, buy her kid’s book, organize a bunch of like-minded parents to take her seminars. I promise you’ll feel better after — and way safer — when you do."
Stay safe everyone,
Love L & V